• Sunday, 29 September 2024

Osmani: We got three crucial issues, Bulgaria got conditioned second IGC

Osmani: We got three crucial issues, Bulgaria got conditioned second IGC
Skopje, 17 July 2022 (MIA) - We had three crucial issues that mattered to us - the language, historical issues not to determine the opening and closing of chapters, and negotiations to start now. We got all three of them. Bulgaria got conditioned second intergovernmental conference (IGC) with constitutional changes. This is the compromise, Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani said Sunday presenting the Protocol signed earlier today in Sofia. "With full moral and political responsibility, I say that the Macedonian language remains clear, no footnotes no adjectives," he stressed. "On bilateral relations, we'd closed the issue with the Republic of Bulgaria. It is the linguistic clause from 1999 and 2017 - Macedonian language according to the Constitution, Bulgarian according to the Constitution, because it is a closed matter and we have never during the negotiations tried to change Bulgaria's position. We have only tried to prevent this position from becoming European position. We've won this battle, because from now on, the language in the EU will be clear without further qualifications and footnotes," said Osmani. Referring to Bulgarian FM Teodora Genchovska's statement about the Macedonian language, he said it was in the context that Bulgaria cannot impose its position on the European Union. "After the Prespa Agreement was signed in 2017-2018 and Macedonian was inscribed in UN's list as an official language of North Macedonia, Bulgaria had sent unilateral note to the United Nations that it is unacceptable for them. The country will send the same statement now to the EU. Has it somehow affected the Macedonian language status in the UN?," asked Osmani. The Minister concluded that the Macedonian language is clear and that historical issues will not determine the opening and closing of chapters. The protocol, he reiterated, is based on reciprocity and is due to be published by the end of the day.