• Wednesday, 02 October 2024

Opposition heads home, demands snap elections

Opposition heads home, demands snap elections
Skopje, 11 November 2021 (MIA) – Opposition MPs headed for home on Thursday evening but said they would not withdraw the initiative for a Government no-confidence vote. They demand snap elections for a way out of the political crisis. The session, which was interrupted earlier today due to lack of quorum, should be completed by midnight. Besa leader Bilal Kasami and Alliance of Albanians leader Ziadin Sela have also left the Parliament. VMRO-DPMNE vice-president Aleksandar Nikoloski said democracy was crushed and added that the authorities are doing everything to stay in power at all costs. “Unfortunately, this day that will go down in Macedonian history as one of the darkest days, because democracy was crushed. Today, a MP was kidnapped, we saw the authorities transform into the most criminal regime ever seen in Europe. There will be responsibility sooner than they think, for all those who kidnapped a lawmaker, who took away phones from MPs, kept them in rooms so they cannot get out and communicate,” said Nikoloski. Asked about the claim on the phones, Nikoloski said some of the SDSM MPs could not use their mobile phones. He added that the initiative for a Government no-confidence vote would not be withdrawn. “We leave it up to those who think they have a majority and power to decide what to do with it. We are heading home and that is it,” noted Nikolovski. According to him, snap elections are the only way out of the political crisis. “The ruling authorities now have 59 MPs, VMRO-DPMNE and its coalition have 60. So, SDSM and DUI have 59 MPs and one kidnapped lawmaker who I hope will be released shortly. They will probably free him after the expiry of the voting deadline at midnight, but they can also do it earlier because we are heading home,” said Nikolovski. He expressed doubts over the video message of MP Kastriot Rexhepi, expecting the police to investigate. On the opposition’s next steps, Nikoloski said the VMRO-DPMNE bodies would meet on Friday, in communication with all coalition partners. Earlier, Levica MP Dimitar Apasiev urged the opposition to radicalize its activities through protests, blocks and Parliament paralysis.