• Saturday, 06 July 2024

Official COVID-19 stats: 899 new infections, 201 reinfections, 2,179 active cases

Official COVID-19 stats: 899 new infections, 201 reinfections, 2,179 active cases
Skopje, 18 July 2022 (MIA) — Of the 2,466 SARS-CoV-2 tests done in North Macedonia's laboratories over the weekend, 899 came back positive for the virus. Of them, 201 were confirmed reinfections. And no deaths have been added to the country's official COVID-19 death toll, which is 9,339 at the moment, health authorities said Monday. According to the Ministry of Health citing Institute of Public Health data, there are now 2,719 active SARS-CoV-2 cases nationwide, of which 1,390 in Skopje. Of the 899 new SARS-CoV-2 cases, 470 were diagnosed in Skopje. New infections were also reported in Bitola – 75, Kavadarci – 50, Prilep – 40, Kumanovo – 39, Ohrid – 31, Gostivar – 27, Tetovo – 25, Veles – 23, Strumica – 22, Kichevo – 16, Shtip – 13, Struga – 10, Negotino – 9, Resen and Kratovo – 8 each, Gevgelija – 6, Kochani and Valandovo – 5 each, Makedonski Brod – 4, Kriva Palanka and Demir Hisar – 3, Berovo – 2, Sveti Nikole, Radovish, Bogdanci, Krushevo and Dojran – one new case in each town. Officially, 670 people recovered from their acute COVID-19 infection. Since the start of the pandemic, 9,339 people have died in North Macedonia from SARS-CoV-2. The country's laboratories have performed a total of 2,098,561 coronavirus tests, officially logging 319,037 SARS-CoV-2 cases and declaring 306,979 recoveries. mr/