• Saturday, 29 June 2024

November 2023 average net wage at Mden 38,359

November 2023 average net wage at Mden 38,359

Skopje, 23 Jasnuary 2024 (MIA) – The average monthly net wage paid per employee in November 2023 was Mden 38,359, up by 16.2 percent compared to November 2022, according to a State Statistical Office press release published Tuesday.


This increase is caused by the increase of the average monthly net wage paid per employee in the sectors: Public administration and defence; compulsory social security (23.8%), Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply (22.0%), Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities (19.4%).


A decrease in the average monthly net wage paid per employee compared to the previous month was recorded in the sectors: Real estate activities (8.0%), Mining and quarrying (5.9%), Financial and insurance activities (4.6%).


The average monthly gross wage paid per employee in November 2023 was Mden 57,609.


Photo: MIA archive