• Tuesday, 02 July 2024

National committee for prevention of violent extremism and fight against terrorism holds donor conference

National committee for prevention of violent extremism and fight against terrorism holds donor conference
Skopje, 21 February 2022 (MIA) – The national committee for prevention of violent extremism and fight against terrorism on Monday at the government’s premises held a donor conference with representatives of international organizations and diplomatic offices in attendance. Zlatko Apostolski, national coordinator for prevention of violent extremism and fight against terrorism, at the conference thanked the participants for their cooperation and support extended to the Committee, the government said in a press release. “The national coordinator said that donors’ support in the fight against terrorism is vital especially in capacity building in the institutions. Projects completed or under way in our country were presented and experiences and good practices were shared in addressing challenges in this field,” said the press release. Prevention of violent extremism and fight against terrorism is one of North Macedonia’s strategic priorities, it was noted.