• Tuesday, 09 July 2024

Muslims celebrate Ramadan Bayram

Muslims celebrate Ramadan Bayram

Skopje, 10 April 2024 (MIA) – Islamic believers in North Macedonia and all across the world celebrate Ramadan Bayram, the end of the holy month of fasting, on Wednesday.

Ramadan, a term which literally means “scorching” in Arabic, is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. During this period, Muslims refrain from food, drink and sexual activities from sunup to sundown. They can eat and drink after sunset, except for pork and alcohol, which they are not supposed to consume anyway.

Ramadan was established as a Holy Month for Muslims after the Quran was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad in 610 AD on the occasion known as Laylat al-Qadr, frequently translated as “the Night of Power.” Observance of Ramadan is mandated in the Quran.

The very day of Bayram celebration begins with a Ramadan-Bayram prayer, followed by a visit to the cemetery, where people pay respect to deceased ancestors and relatives. Congratulations on the holy day begin afterwards, firstly to the eldest (kissing the hand). Younger people always pay the visit to older ones. There are traditional dishes for the festivity (Bayram meat, alanditi and baklava). The celebration lasts for three days.

Ramadan Bayram is a day of reconciliation and re-uniting. It is also a day when the power of rich people meets the weakness of the poor in love, mercy and justice.

On the occasion of the holiday, the head of the Islamic Religious Community, Reis-ul-Ulema Shaqir Fetai, sent his greetings to the faithful of the Islamic faith, expressing wishes and praying.

“During these joyous days of Bayram, let us express gratitude to the Allah for granting us the opportunity to observe Ramadan and for the blessings he has bestowed upon us. Yet, let us not overlook: in our festivities and happiness, let us also remember to include all those in need: the poor, the homeless, the orphans, and our Islamic institutions,” he said. 

По повод утрешниот празник Рамазан (Фитр) Бајрам честитка до верниците од исламска вероисповед упати поглаварот на ИВЗ, реисул улема, Шаќир Фетаи, со желби и „молејќи го Семоќниот Алах со Сво

“We pray to Allah to accept all the good deeds and prayers we have performed during the month of Ramadan. We implore the Allah to put an end to all armed conflicts in the world, to bring about peace everywhere, as only in peace can humanity move forward towards new developments, for the benefit of all people, regardless of race, gender, religion, or ethnic background,” Fetai said.

The first day of Ramadan Bayram is a public holiday in North Macedonia.

Photo: MIA archive