• Tuesday, 02 July 2024

MoCA presents 'Coordinates of a Dream: 60 Years of Projecting Contemporaneity'

MoCA presents 'Coordinates of a Dream: 60 Years of Projecting Contemporaneity'

Skopje, 4 April 2024 (MIA) — Curated by Vladimir Janchevski and Blagoja Varoshanec, an art show titled "Coordinates of a Dream: 60 Years of Projecting Contemporaneity, MoCA SKOPJE 1964-2024" will open at the Museum of Contemporary Arts and run through May 21.


"In the year when we commemorate the sixtieth anniversary of the establishment of the Museum of Contemporary Art – Skopje, one of the most significant national institutions in the field of culture and a recognizable symbol of world solidarity, we are trying to locate the important coordinates of a dream that became a tangible reality of a process of continuous projection of contemporaneity," organizers said in a press release.


The museum's collection includes works by over 1,900 international artists from 70 countries, who donated their art after the earthquake of July 26, 1963, as an act of solidarity, the release says.

It adds that the museum, over the years, has worked on keeping, protecting, presenting and studying those donations as well as on presenting the latest contemporary artistic tendencies.

"In addition to the exceptional importance of artists and curators, numerous authors have contributed to defining the visual identity of the Museum, such as Dragutin Avramovski-Gute, Stefan Georgievski, Jovan Shumkovski, Ladislav Cvetkovski, Mihajlo Moteski, Iliana Petrushevska, Neda Firfova, Private Print, Ariane Spanier and others," the release says.


The exhibition, in addition to a review of visual and documentary material, posters and publications, will present a selection of artworks from the MoCA collection, including those of Marino Tartaglja, Hans Hartung, Alexander Calder, Petar Lubarda, Dusan Otasevic, Petar Hadzi Boshkov, Jordan Grabul, Aneta Svetieva, Malgorzata Potocka, Jovan Shumkovski, Hristina Ivanoska, Chto Delat, the release says.



"This exhibition through a chronology of events starting from 1963 as the zero point, through the establishment of the institution in 1964, the construction and opening of the Museum in 1970, up to the most current exhibitions such as the international exhibition 'All that We Have in Common' and the solo exhibitions of numerous world renownеd artists is just an attempt, through the mapping of the numerous events and their visual communication aspect, to give an impetus to thinking about the importance of MoCA-Skopje in the process of projecting and shaping the image of contemporaneity," organizers note.

The exhibition is one in a series of events marking MoCA's 60th anniversary in 2024. mr/