• Saturday, 05 October 2024

Mickoski: Government is lying about constitutional amendments being final obstacle, this is just beginning of problems to come

Mickoski: Government is lying about constitutional amendments being final obstacle, this is just beginning of problems to come

Sveti Nikole, 19 December 2023 (MIA) - Mariya Gabriel slapped them with the truth, this is the truth that VMRO-DPMNE and I have been saying for the past year and a half. We publicly saw that Marichikj, Zechevikj, Kovachevski, Ahmeti, Osmani, Grubi, lie to Macedonian citizens that this is the final obstacle. It is not final, VMRO-DPMNE President, Hristijan Mickoski said on Tuesday during a visit to Sveti Nikole in response to reporters’ question regarding a statement made by Bulgarian Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Mariya Gabriel that constitutional amendments are not the only condition.


Mickoski added that this was just the beginning of other problems to follow, because without societal support and consultation with the opposition, the ruling party signed an agreement in order to finish this project while two years in power.


"One to be prime minister, and another secretary general, while others become millionaires on the backs of Macedonian citizens. That was the project. Now we have problems that, once again, VMRO-DPMNE will have to solve, together with Macedonian citizens, in the coming period," Mickoski said.


He emphasized that once the new government is formed, VMRO-DPMNE will be prepared to discuss a dignified solution and a dignified scenario.


"If EU and the leaders would truly like to see Macedonia as part of EU, this calvary that has lasted for more than two decades, where Macedonia, its identity and people are challenged by irrational neighbors and their policies has to stop. I will remind you that it all started with the veto we received over the name dispute, and then the identity issues without eastern neighbor, we saw that decisions could be made as long as there are rational leaders within EU. I expect reason and that this veto will soon be removed so that Macedonia can begin negotiations and go where it belongs," Mickoski noted.


Bulgarian Deputy PM Mariya Gabriel yesterday said that Bulgaria has no bilateral problem with the Republic of North Macedonia regarding EU integration and that the requirements for the progress on Skopje's European path encompass not only adoption of constitutional amendments, but also compliance with the Treaty of Friendship, Good Neighborliness and Cooperation and the two protocols.


“Bulgaria has no bilateral problem with the Republic of North Macedonia. In the name of the common European interest, Bulgaria tells North Macedonia what it means to be a member of the European Union. We have three interconnected instruments and a very clear position from the National Assembly. Requirements of our neighboring country encompass not only adoption of constitutional amendments, but also compliance with the Treaty of Friendship, Good Neighborliness and Cooperation, and the two protocols, signed with Bulgaria,” BTA reported.


According to her, it is important for Bulgaria to see North Macedonia's progress in other areas if it experiences difficulties in the adoption of constitutional changes. Gabriel underscored that two technical meetings had been held in July in Sofia and in October in Skopje, from which it transpired that, regrettably, there was no progress. ssh/nn/


Photo: MIA