• Wednesday, 02 October 2024

MIA launches operations in European Newsroom

MIA launches operations in European Newsroom
Brussels, 4 July 2022 (MIA) – The European Newsroom (ENR) project is officially launching on Monday, including 16 news agencies from across Europe, including MIA. ENR aims to stimulate cooperation among news agencies having their correspondents in Brussels, towards improving information exchange, training, fact checking and journalism standards. German agency dpa and France’s AFP are the project carriers, whereas AGERPRES, ANSA, APA, ATA, Belga, BTA, EFE, Europa Press, FENA, HINA, MIA, STA, Tanjug and TASR are also taking part. The project is funded through a European Commission grant worth EUR 1,76 million. The news items are published by each agency in the respective mother tongue every Monday and Thursday. Once a week, ENR picks a European topic in which national agencies provide their input and the story is published in English. ENR released its first news items today and the MIA articles can be found here.
