• Sunday, 06 October 2024

Macedonian Orthodox Christians celebrate Christmas

Macedonian Orthodox Christians celebrate Christmas

Skopje, 7 January 2023 (MIA) – Orthodox Christians in North Macedonia are celebrating Saturday the Birth of Jesus Christ – Christmas according to the Julian calendar.

Liturgies are being held in all temples of the Macedonian Orthodox Church-Ohrid Archbishopric (MOC-OA) across the country.

The main event is taking place at St. Clement of Ohrid Church in Skopje, where the liturgy is served by MOC-OA Pontiff, Archbishop of Ohrid and Macedonia, HH Stefan.

HH Stefan has extended a Christmas message of peace and blessings, of love and well-being to all Orthodox faithful.

“Christmas, the feast of Christ’s birth, is a day of heavenly joy. With Christ’s birth, everything is filled with joy and happiness: Therefore, Christmas is a holiday of joy, a holiday of consolation and a holiday of gratitude: Therefore, Christ’s birth represents the greatest confirmation of God’s love, it is the principle of a new and renewed life in Christ the newborn and the beginning of our salvation,” HH Stefan says.

“On this magnificent holiday, the angelic voices resound: Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men. But throughout all these centuries, from the birth of Christ until today, these angelic cries seem to have been sealed with oblivion, and we constantly hear of unrest, conflicts, clashes and wars. But let us not forget that the only war we need to wage is the war against sin and against the passions. Only in this way will we be able to gain true peace,” the archbishop adds among other.

“After 55 years of uncertainty, seeing the justified argument for its renewed autocephaly, this past summer of the Lord, the all-merciful God looked at our long-suffering Church, and corrected the two and a half centuries of injustice towards it, reintroducing it into the fullness of the Pan-Orthodox family – in canonical and eucharistic unity with all sister Orthodox churches. Therefore, let us thank God for this gift and for the opportunity to liturgically commune with our brothers from the entire Orthodox ecumene, which gives the opportunity to complete the recognition of its autocephalous status,” says the Orthodox pontiff.

“As faithful people, it is necessary to constantly make progress in faith, hope and love for Christ, showing greater love for our neighbors and for all the people and nations around us. Let us act with care and commitment in the love and respect for the homeland, history, culture, language, and all sacred and national heritage from our ancestors. And, in these stormy times, in which numerous temptations and challenges reign, let us prove ourselves as consistent followers of Christ the newborn – as peace-lovers and peace-makers, as devotees of God and devotees of humanity,” he notes among other.