• Saturday, 05 October 2024

Macedonian nationals evacuating safely, North Macedonia to take in 450 Afghan refugees

Macedonian nationals evacuating safely, North Macedonia to take in 450 Afghan refugees
Skopje, 17 August 2021 (MIA) — In coordination with NATO allied forces, the US Embassy, and international organizations participating in the mission to rescue Afghan civilians and peacekeepers, the government has agreed to take in 450 activists, journalists, interpreters, students, and other Afghan nationals who worked for human rights organizations or supported the NATO forces, including Macedonian army troops, in the past 20 years, according to an official press release. Most of the 450 Afghan nationals are expected to arrive by the end of the week, depending on the circumstances at the airport in Kabul. Their arrival is coordinated by the US non-governmental organization the National Democratic Institute. The government has decided to exempt from visa costs all Afghan nationals arriving in the country. Their accommodation costs will be fully covered by international organizations and the United States until their departure to the US or to third countries as their final destination. The government has instructed the Ministry of Interior and the National Security Agency to efficiently provide the necessary operational, security and administrative support for the Afghan nationals and accommodate them in hotel facilities. In the press release, the government also urges the media to report responsibly and accurately on North Macedonia's involvement in the international rescue mission. “There’s no migrant crisis in North Macedonia. On the contrary, North Macedonia is part of a large global humanitarian mission to rescue the peaceful population of Afghanistan under threat from extremist Taliban structures.“ “The Afghan nationals,” the release continues, “are employees or family members of employees of local and international democratic missions and are not illegal migrants at all.” “No one has the right to intimidate citizens with inaccurate, dangerous and distorted pieces saying the country will allegedly be inhabited by Taliban extremists,” the release says. Macedonian nationals who were at the airport in Kabul were transferred to Doha, Qatar, and Abu Dhabi, Dubai, on military flights. “All our citizens are safe. The diplomatic network of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in these countries is in direct contact with them and they will soon continue to Skopje,” the government says. According to the latest available information, 14 Macedonian nationals are still at the NATO base in Kabul and are scheduled to be evacuated by tomorrow. Three remain in the NATO base, to perform their work duties. mr/