• Thursday, 04 July 2024

Macedonian language recognized by 26 member-states, to be official EU language: Slovenian Ambassador

Macedonian language recognized by 26 member-states, to be official EU language: Slovenian Ambassador
Skopje, 18 July 2022 (MIA) – The Macedonian language is recognized by 26 European Union member-states, which means it will be an official language of the EU. Of course, one member has the right to present its reserves through unilateral statements, but this will surely have no impact on the status of the Macedonian language in the EU, said Slovenian Ambassador Milan Predan on Monday. Ambassador Predan told reporters that 26 member-states that recognize the Macedonian language as Macedonian language cannot accept the veto because one member has its reserves regarding the language. “You have to be aware there will be many situations during the negotiations when obstacles can be created. Of course, not only by one member but others as well. All of the countries that negotiated had experienced this,” said Predan. According to him, Slovenia also had an open issue with one of its neighbors prior to the start of the accession negotiations. “Slovenia also had to make a constitutional revision at the request of one of its neighbors. It was a similar situation and we assessed back then that the goal of joining the EU was much more important than that. Therefore, this is not something new. All countries negotiating with the EU have faced a situation of having some obstacles in the process, but the most important thing is that the Macedonian train heading for the EU has departed or will depart,” said Predan. Regarding open issues and fears, he said it is better to take the risk than stay put. “The Government is taking this responsibility and eventually, the voters will say if this decision was the right one or not. I believe the decision is a good one for the future of your country,” said Predan.