• Saturday, 05 October 2024

Lloga: Gov’t likely to adopt draft-initiative on constitutional changes on Tuesday

Lloga: Gov’t likely to adopt draft-initiative on constitutional changes on Tuesday

Skopje, 19 June 2023 (MIA) – The draft-initiative for the constitutional amendments has been in government procedure since last week and will likely be assessed and adopted by the Government on Tuesday, said Minister of Justice Krenar Lloga in answer to media questions on Monday.


Last Wednesday the Deputy Prime Minister in charge of European affairs, Bojan Marichikj, said he expects the initiative to be submitted to Parliament in the next few weeks, and the procedure and discussion to begin from there, because, he said, “it is important and correct for every MP to have the opportunity to express themselves.”


"I am sure that if we take enough time and have the right approach to explain to every MP the importance and responsibility, and the consequences of accepting or not accepting this proposal, this motion, we will reach two thirds," said Marichikj.


According to Marichikj, if the two-third majority is not reached, it means that we have set up a roadblock for ourselves and have stopped on the path.


The initiative drafted by the working group at the Ministry of Justice at the beginning of June was submitted to Government and was expected to be reviewed at one of the following government sessions. The amendments were expected to enter Parliament in mid-June, when the deadlines for the amendments are set to formally begin to run out.


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