• Tuesday, 01 October 2024

Kovachki: Through Platform '1198' we'll reconstruct Pehchevo – Delchevo road

Kovachki: Through Platform '1198' we'll reconstruct Pehchevo – Delchevo road

Pehchevo, 20 April 2024 (MIA) — Dragan Kovachki, head of the VMRO-DPMNE and its coalition's list of MP candidates from the Third Electoral District, told a rally in Pehchevo that it was important to build a regional hospital in Shtip, which would provide medical services to people in the eastern parts of the country so they would not have to travel to Skopje for health care, MIA's Delchevo correspondent reports.

Kovachki also spoke about agriculture, saying that SDSM and DUI had turned Macedonia from an agricultural country into a country importing produce such as tomatoes and cucumbers from Kosovo.

Speaking about his party's "Platfom 1198," Kovachki said it included many infrastructure projects.

"We are planning a complete reconstruction of the road from Delchevo to Pehchevo," he said, and listed other projects including a new road to the village of Pancharevo, and a road between Umlena, Robovo and Chiflik. 

Kovachki also promised locals that Pehchevo would receive EUR 2,000,000 over the next four years if they came into power. mr/