• Sunday, 29 September 2024

Kovachevski: VMRO-DPMNE should stick to position on participation in constitutional amendments process

Kovachevski: VMRO-DPMNE should stick to position on participation in constitutional amendments process

Skopje, 25 June 2023 (MIA) - VMRO-DPMNE should stick to their position stated in public on participation in the process of constitutional amendments, Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski said Sunday. The deadlines are within the already agreed on Negotiating Framework, he pointed out, but we do not want to make hasty solutions. Kovachevski said that talks of the working groups between the ruling party and the opposition on the constitutional amendments have not yet started.


"We will give them space to participate in this process. Of course, the process will not halt because of their indecision. You see that a debate is ongoing on this topic, and Marichikj and I held a meeting with the non-governmental organizations, a press briefing, meetings of the bodies of the parties, the partners from our coalition have said that for them the entry of VMRO-DPMNE in the government is acceptable. So, these are all assumptions that lead to a common solution to this very important process, regarding which we have support like never before from all our strategic partners, the United States and EU member states," said Kovachevski. 


Commenting on the progress of talks with VMRO-DPMNE, the PM said that the Deputy PM for European Affairs contacts the opposition party every day to see if they are ready for talks. 


"He'll inform you when he gets a positive answer," Kovachevski said.


He stated that he was not in communication with any MP, regardless of political party, outside the processes of the Parliament.


The PM added that in the coming period the government will review in detail documents from the Ministry of Justice submitted by the working group, and they will then be submitted to the Parliament.


"This is a process that should not be rushed," Kovachevski said, adding that a hasty solution is not what's needed, and he still adheres to such an approach to work.


"We work without haste, everyone should be able to get involved in this very important process, because as the country moves forward, it will need more strategically important decisions with a two-thirds majority. The screening has already revealed deficiencies in many areas of the state. You see what is happening in the judiciary. Reforms will have to be made," Kovachevski pointed out. 


As regards the deadlines, the PM said that the Negotiating Framework is very clear and work is done in line with those deadlines. He noted that he had accepted VMRO-DPMNE's demand on constitutional amendments with a delayed effect.


"I accepted that they will be valid from the moment of holding the second intergovernmental conference. This is in line with the Negotiating Framework. VMRO-DPMNE cannot set conditions outside the Negotiating Framework," Kovachevski said.


In response to a reporter's question on the progress of constitutional amendments, he reiterated that it is very important that there is no such rhetoric of traitors and defenders.


"The leaders' meeting on June 7 showed that SDSM and the coalition partners are on the right track and are making the right decisions regarding the country's European integration. A key conclusion from that meeting is that VMRO-DPMNE, their leader Hristijan Mickoski publicly stated that they have no problem with and are not against changing the Preamble of the Constitution and including other parts of nations, including Bulgarians. Second, he affirmed the legitimacy of the Parliament to make such a decision because it was disputed before, and the legitimacy of the government to propose such a decision, given that he publicly stated that he wanted DPMNE to be part of the government with 50 percent of the ministerial posts that SDSM holds," Kovachevski said.


He also noted that DUI had accepted not to be part of such a government, and AA and Besa have given additional space to VMRO-DPMNE because they had stated that they will not enter such a government.


"VMRO-DPMNE can have a serious number of ministers in that government. Now, I don't know what happened afterward, you all have that press conference. The next day, on June 8, there were rather inconsistent positions by various representatives of VMRO-DPMNE before they began to back off again," said Kovachevski. 


According to the decision of the SDSM Central Board, he pointed out, we have set up a working group and that's the place where the details of what was agreed at the leaders' meeting should be agreed upon, because that is where the main outlines and details regarding dates, etc. should be agreed.


"On the other hand, we have the process of constitutional amendments. The working group drafted them. You see that no one is discussing the proposed amendments and their content. The president of the working group read them and no one had any comments. Why? Because they are changes that do not interfere with any identity issues and enable the inclusion of other parts of nations in the Preamble, whereupon Macedonia continues with the opening of Chapters and clusters and its path of European integration. And that's why VMRO-DPMNE should stick to their position stated in public on participation in this process," Kovachevski.