• Saturday, 05 October 2024

Kovachevski to promote ninth set of anti-crisis measures at press conference

Kovachevski to promote ninth set of anti-crisis measures at press conference

Skopje, 28 November 2023 (MIA) – Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski is set to promote the ninth set of anti-crisis measures for the most vulnerable categories of citizens, at a press conference Tuesday.


Deputy PM for Economic Affairs Fatmir Bytyqi told a press conference on Monday over 400,000 citizens, pensioners, pupils, students, single parents will be included in the anti-crisis measures.  


"The funds from the solidarity tax will be used for the anti-crisis measures that we expect will be discussed at a government session tomorrow, and which are aimed at the most vulnerable categories of citizens, including the largest group of citizens – the pensioners, which will receive a certain sum for several months, as well as pupils, students, single parents, etc.," Bytyqi said.  


Earlier, Prime Minister Kovachevski said that by the end of the year, EUR 75 million are planned in the Budget for anti-crisis measures, and an additional EUR 55 million for the coming year, primarily to continue subsidizing the price of electricity.

Photo: MIA Archive