• Wednesday, 02 October 2024

Kovachevski to discuss future of Europe at third EPC summit in Granada

Kovachevski to discuss future of Europe at third EPC summit in Granada

Granada, 5 October 2023 (MIA) – Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski will take part Thursday at the third summit of the European Political Community in Spain's Granada, alongside leaders of 47 countries, including all 27 EU member-states, countries of the Western Balkans, Switzerland, Norway and Iceland, as well as Azerbaijan, Georgia, Turkey and Ukraine.


European Council President Charles Michel, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, and European Parliament president Roberta Metsola are also taking part.


Discussion will focus on current conflicts affecting the continent as well as strategies to boost Europe's resilience and prosperity. The presence of most European leaders is expected to once again show their unity in the face of the Russian war against Ukraine.


The summit is held at a crucial moment for the Spanish EU Presidency, making Granada a place where fundamental decisions can be made for the future of all of Europe, not only for the European Union.



PM Kovachevski will speak at the summit's plenary session, followed by a roundtable discussion on digital transition and artificial intelligence together with the leaders of Sweden, France, United Kingdom, Italy, Croatia, Liechtenstein, Bulgaria and Albania, the European Commission and the European Parliament.


At the summit sidelines, Kovachevski is set to meet with his Dutch and Irish counterparts, Mark Rutte and Leo Varadkar respectively.


Ковачевски ќе учествува на пленарна сесија на Самитот, а потоа со лидерите на Шведска, Франција, Обединетото Кралство, Италија, Хрватска, Лихтенштајн,  Бугарија и Албанија, како и Европската


The EPC is a platform for political coordination among European countries, aimed to bring together the continent's leaders in the spirit of equality and unity twice a year.


The inaugural EPC summit was held in Prague in October 2022, followed by the second summit in Chișinău this June.




European Council President Charles Michel told reporters in Brussels that EU enlargement will be one of the main topics of discussion. Also, he said, leaders will discuss the current situation in Kosovo, condemning violence and stressing that "disagreements between Kosovo and Serbia should be resolved as a prerequisite for EU integration."


The next summit of European Political Community will be held in the United Kingdom.


In Granada, Prime Minister Kovachevski will be accompanied by his wife Elena Kovachevska, who will accompany him to the formal dinner organized by the King and Queen of Spain. ik/mr