• Tuesday, 02 July 2024

Kovachevski: Talks with Alliance to resume, expansion of government majority possible if we agree on key principles

Kovachevski: Talks with Alliance to resume, expansion of government majority possible if we agree on key principles
Skopje, 21 November 2022 (MIA) – Negotiations with Alliance for Albanians in the context of the country’s European future will continue and if we agree on key principles, it might be possible for the government majority to expand in the future, said Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski on Monday. In answer to a journalist’s question regarding DUI Leader Ali Ahmeti’s statement that negotiations with are ongoing with the Alliance for Albanians which might see them join the government coalition, Kovachevski said that Ahmeti’s response is no different from the response he gave after he met Taravari on Friday. “The answer that DUI Leader Ali Ahmeti gave does not differ from the one I gave, I said that we discussed the European future of the country with the Alliance for Albanians and their leader, and all decisions which have to be made. At the same time, I also said that our coalition is open for all political parties that share our vision and I said that we specifically discussed all laws and reforms that concern the rule of law, fight against crime and corruption, and the economic policies,” said PM Kovachevski. The PM added that they did not discuss concrete ministerial posts and that the negotiations will continue. “But of course, the negotiations will continue and if we agree completely on these basic principles for the future of the country, which undoubtedly will happen because the Alliance of Albanians has always demonstrated support for all decisions concerning the country’s European future, I believe that an expansion of the government majority might happen in the future,” said Kovachevski. Regarding Taravari’s statement that the Alliance has its red lines in these negotiations, and whether they could be an obstacle for further consultations, Kovachevski said that in all negotiations it is normal for each of the participants to have certain conditions that have to be met. On whether they discussed this with their coalition partner Alternativa, who stated that the government majority is stable and there is no need for it to be expanded, Kovachevski said he agrees that the government is stable with 64 MPs, which was confirmed with the election of Risto Penov as Minister of Local Self-Government and the election of the two constitutional judges. The PM said that he communicates daily with some of the coalition partners, as well as with Alternativa’s ministers, but that he has not discussed this topic with them yet. “We have not discussed it, however, I believe that if we are all determined to continue down the path to European integration without any obstacles, then we will easily come to an agreement,” said Kovachevski. ad/sk/