• Friday, 04 October 2024

Kovachevski: Draft amnesty law does not target individuals

Kovachevski: Draft amnesty law does not target individuals

Skopje, 3 October 2023 (MIA) – The draft amnesty law has been submitted to Parliament without an EU flag and it doesn’t target individuals, but lesser offenses, with the goal of reducing the overcrowding at the Idrizovo penitentiary and other capacities, said Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski on Tuesday.

“The law was being drafted for several months by the Ministry of Justice, and once it was completed it was sent to the groups of MPs in Parliament, including VMRO-DPMNE’s group, which is why it’s not true that they haven’t seen the law. The different opinions that exist over the law are good, and the various aspects in terms of the effects of the law can be used,” said Kovachevski in answer to a journalist’s question.

The PM said there are different opinions on the law, some of which, he said, are led by humane reasons, and others by rational reasons.

“A law just like this one was adopted in 2018 and back then everyone supported it. The currently proposed law is even more restrictive. The number of places in the penitentiaries is around 2.113, which is also the number of prisoners currently in the prisons. Another 2.200 individuals are waiting to serve their sentence, which means that currently we need 4.000 places for everyone waiting to serve their sentence,” said Kovachevski.

Доколку се придржуваме до Преговарачката рамка, тогаш нема потреба да се размислува за какви било дополнителни барања од кој било, бидејќи се е наведено во тој документ, изјави денеска премие

Kovachevski noted that the biggest accommodation center in the country has a capacity of 4.000 places, but, he added, “if we were to turn them into buildings for convicts, in a week we would run out of space again.”

“Which is why some of the MPs and ministers with whom I’ve spoken are saying that there should be a strategic approach, which, I believe, should consist of three parts. The first part is investment in new buildings, for which the Government, through the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), has secured EUR 24 million for the construction of a new building within the frameworks of the Idrizovo penitentiary with the capacity of 900 places, and for the renovation of the existing prison capacity. The second part is using probation, which was introduced in 2017 when 4 people were on probation, and now we have 450. The third one is the introduction of electronic bracelets for those who can serve their sentences at home,” said Kovachevski and noted that electronic bracelets have already been acquired.

The draft law on amnesty, according to the PM, wasn’t made for individuals, instead it targets lesser offenses which are listed in the law.

“The law clearly specifies the offenses that cannot be pardoned. Considering the sensitivity of certain cases that have happened in the country in the past, SDSM’s parliamentary group will submit an amendment, The different opinions on the law show that various aspects can be taken for its functioning, and through a democratic procedure we can reach a solution that will be acceptable for all political parties and for the public,” said Kovachevski.

The final text of the legislation, and whether it will be adopted, according to Kovachevski depends on the manner in which the Justice Minister will present it in Parliament, and on the various opinions, ideas, and experiences from the previously adopted law in 2018.

Photo: MIA/Government