• Friday, 28 June 2024

Iran boosting production of highly enriched uranium, UN watchdog says

Iran boosting production of highly enriched uranium, UN watchdog says

Vienna, 27 February 2024 (dpa/MIA) — Iran has greatly increased its production of highly enriched uranium over the past three months, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has reported.


Between the end of October and the beginning of February, 25 kilograms of almost weapons-grade uranium with a purity of 60% was produced, the UN's nuclear watchdog stated in a report on Monday, which was made available to dpa. In the previous quarter, the figure was less than 7 kilograms.


However, Iran's total stockpile of 60%-enriched uranium fell slightly to 121.5 kilograms in recent months, according to the report, because the material was mixed with lower-grade enriched uranium.


According to experts, however, this mixture could be brought back to a weapons-grade level. Around 50 kilograms of at least 80 to 90%-enriched uranium is required for a nuclear bomb.


Iran's leadership denies wanting to build nuclear weapons. However, in a further report on Monday, IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi pointed to recent statements by the current and former Iranian nuclear chiefs that their country has the technical capabilities to develop such weapons.


Such statements only increase the director general's concerns as to whether Iran has really disclosed its entire nuclear programme, the IAEA said.