• Sunday, 06 October 2024

Interior Minister unveils memorial honoring police officers who lost their lives in anti-terror raid

Interior Minister unveils memorial honoring police officers who lost their lives in anti-terror raid

Kumanovo, 23 August 2023 (MIA) – Ljubisha Rangjelovikj, Boban Ivanovikj, Goran Ilievski, Zharko Kuzmanovski, Isamedin Osmani, Sasho Samoilovski, Nenad Serafimovski and Goran Stojmenovikj are our heroes who laid down their lives for something greater than themselves. May this memorial convey a message of deep respect, love for the fatherland, peace and coexistence for all future generations, said Minister of Interior Oliver Spasovski at an event Wednesday unveiling a memorial for the police officers who lost their lives in the anti-terror raid in Divo Naselje in Kumanovo, on May 9-10, 2015.

“We are here today to pay special respect and with this memorial, which we built together with the Macedonian Police Union, as a memorial of their greatness, courage and sacrifice, as a symbol that heroes live forever,” said Spasovski, highlighting that the memorial is being unveiled on the anniversary of the Rapid Deployment Unit.               

This memorial, Spasovski added, will also serve as a reminder of the day which should never again be repeated, and which “has remained engraved in the collective memory of my compatriots.” 

“They don’t forget history, nor the heroes who created it, but they also they don’t forget that their neighbor is closer than a brother, regardless of faith or ethnicity. And despite the great trauma, thanks to their courage, the evil intentions of the commissioners of this conflict did not receive the desired response,” said Spasovski.

Photo: MIA