• Monday, 01 July 2024

In case of opposing positions AA ministers should institutionally state if they feel they belong in Gov’t or not, Xhaferi tells MIA

In case of opposing positions AA ministers should institutionally state if they feel they belong in Gov’t or not, Xhaferi tells MIA

Skopje, 5 February 2024 (MIA) – Prime Minister Talat Xhaferi said he is monitoring the situation in the Alliance of Albanians, a party that has three ministers in the Government, and he said he would act in line with his authorizations. In an interview for MIA, Xhaferi said he wouldn’t be led by Facebook posts, but the members of the Government from the party will have to officially state whether they feel they belong in the Government or not.


“In principle, you know I’ve said a long time ago that I am not a Facebook politician, therefore I am not a Prime Minister who is led by Facebook statements or partisan activities. I am a Prime Minister of this Government and when they have opposing positions, the members of the Government should institutionally state whether they feel they belong in this composition or not. I can’t be led by what is happening on TV or party conferences,” Xhaferi told MIA.



Xhaferi said he has established personal communication with the ministers and deputy ministers as well, and they can contact him at any time, but, he stressed that he would be led by institutional procedures and decide the outcome on the basis of that.


“I am a Prime Minister of the Government and I presented a proposed composition of the Government and a programme in front of Parliament, and my authorizations are to monitor the work of the Government, to conclude whether all members of the Government are working within the framework and in the direction of the fulfillment of our programme commitments for which this composition has received the support of Parliament. Of course, I don’t dispute the right of participants to reexamine their positions in terms of their participation in the Government. Every member of the Government is free to come out with a statement over their status in the Government. It is up to me to monitor the situation and in the meantime, act within the frameworks of my authorizations appropriately to the behavior and statements, and my authorization in such situations is to ultimately come out in front of Parliament with other proposals, after the appropriate consultations regarding the situation. I am monitoring the situation, but I won’t comment on it,” said Xhaferi.


Photo: MIA
