• Tuesday, 02 July 2024

If market has cheaper electricity, it's impermissible to produce it at higher price, says Bytyqi

If market has cheaper electricity, it's impermissible to produce it at higher price, says Bytyqi
Skopje, 18 November  2022 (MIA) - While managing the energy crisis economically, we have to monitor what is happening on the market and if the market has electricity whose market price is lower than the production one, it cannot be allowed to produce it at a higher price. That's why a temporary electricity import is conducted, Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs Fatmir Bytyqi said Friday. He insisted that enough electricity will be provided by the end of the year. "We'll see what to do next starting January, but we have already proven that we deliver anything we promise," Bytyqi said speaking to the media before the Balkan Economic Forum, held in Skopje. Stressing that there won't be any major issues with electricity, the Deputy PM said preparations are under way for production to be launched in all available national capacities in December. Bytyqi explained that the Negotino thermal power plant is being overhauled, but its electricity production price is higher than the market one. "There was no logic in the plant producing even if it were able to deliver energy," he said. Asked about the electricity saving public campaign, the Deputy PM said it is financed by socially responsible companies, not by the budget.