• Wednesday, 02 October 2024

Heavy rains and flooding in Italy cause 900 to be evacuated

Heavy rains and flooding in Italy cause 900 to be evacuated

Rome, 16 May 2023 (dpa/MIA) – Heavy rains and flooding led to the evacuation on Tuesday of around 900 people in Italy's Emilia-Romagna and Marche regions after rivers and streams burst their banks or threatened to do so.


The evacuations were implemented in areas along the Adriatic coast, the ANSA news agency reported.


The accident and emergency unit of the hospital in Senigallia near Ancona, the capital of Marche, had to be evacuated as a result of flooding. There were no reports of casualties.


The fire services reported trees downed, landslides and cars stranded. They were called out more than 120 times, they said.


Rail links between cities in the region were cut, and in some cities, the authorities closed the schools.


Municipalities along the Adriatic blocked access to the beaches, pointing to strong winds and high waves. There were landslides in Pesaro Urbino province in Marche.


The civil defence agency issued its top level alert on Monday, warning of flooding and landslides in the Emilia-Romagna region. Residents in certain areas were urged to avoid unnecessary travel and to work from home where possible.


The region was hit by heavy rain and swollen rivers at the start of the month that resulted in several deaths and the evacuation of hundreds of people.


Sicily was also hit by heavy rains in the early hours of Tuesday. The emergency services were called out 115 times to assist drivers or to clear trees fallen onto roads.