• Sunday, 07 July 2024

HB Stefan at Christmas: We need spiritual and national unity to survive as Church and as nation

HB Stefan at Christmas: We need spiritual and national unity to survive as Church and as nation

Skopje, 7 January 2024 (MIA) — Liturgies were held in all temples of the Macedonian Orthodox Church across the country on Christmas, with the central one being the Divine Liturgy of Saint Basil the Great performed by Macedonian Orthodox Church head Archbishop of Ohrid and Macedonia HB Stefan at St. Clement of Ohrid Cathedral Church in Skopje.


HB Stefan sent a Christmas message of peace and blessings to the Orthodox faithful. He also called for national unity.


"We need spiritual and national unity more than ever, so that we as a Church and as a nation can survive and preserve all that is ours, Macedonian.


Возљубени празникољупци, Денес торжествуваме и празнично Го величаме Христа воскреснатиот, Кој ја уништи смртта и го порази адот, Кој умрените ги ослободи и стана почеток – првороден меѓу мрт


"So the question arises: What can we as a Church do about this? We can do exactly what we have been called to do – we can unite and keep uniting, as people and angels once united before the cave of Bethlehem," he said in his Christmas greeting to believers.



Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski attended the Christmas service in the Church of Saint George in Ohrid conducted by Metropolitan Timotej. PM Kovachevski spoke with believers as well as with members of the clergy, wishing them good health, peace and joy.


The great Christian holiday of Christmas, PM Kovachevski noted, instills hope that every new beginning is a chance to move forward, more firmly and with more resolute faith, on the way to the common good.


Extending his Christmas wishes for love, happiness, health, and peace, the prime minister said: "As Christians had united in Bethlehem on this great holiday, may all of us citizens, all Macedonians, unite in building a prosperous, happy and progressive country. Merry Christmas," Kovachevski said.



Interior Minister Oliver Spasovski, after attending the Divine Liturgy of Saint Basil the Great at St. Clement of Ohrid Cathedral Church in Skopje, on behalf of himself and the Government wished citizens health, happiness and unity.


"I wish all Orthodox believers a Merry Christmas, spiritual peace, health, happiness, unity — which we truly need — and I wish all citizens health, happiness and to rejoice together, to build Macedonia together in prosperity and progress for everyone," Spasovski told reporters after the liturgy performed by HB Stefan.



VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski also attended the liturgy. In a statement to the media, he wished health, happiness, wisdom and patience to those celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ on Jan. 7.


He also wished that believers would spend the holidays in peace and abundance, "because in the period that follows, great challenges await the citizens and the state."



Skopje Mayor Danela Arsovska, after attending the same liturgy, wished members of the Orthodox Christian faith peace, health and love.

"To the Macedonian Orthodox Church, to our Macedonian people, to all Orthodox Christians today, I would like to offer my Christmas wishes for peace, harmony, health, love and all that we show unto our neighbors, may we get the same in return," Arsovska said.


Претседателот Стево Пендаровски денеска оствари телефонски разговор со поглаварот на Римокатоличката црква, папата Франциск, при што изрази жалење затоа што поради пандемијата на КОВИД-19 не


In his greeting to believers, President Stevo Pendarovski said this Christmas was being celebrated in a time of great uncertainty, fear and human suffering caused by wars, crises and social injustice.


"These challenges do not spare even Macedonian citizens, especially the most vulnerable of us. As a community of the faithful, the Church is called to actively take part in rebuilding hope. Showing solidarity to the vulnerable, commitment to social justice, personal integrity, respect for our differences, the Church and believers can contribute to rebuilding our trust and kindness in our common Macedonian homeland," he wrote.


"Peace on Earth and goodwill toward all", Pendarovski added, wishing everyone a Merry Christmas.


Претседателот на Собранието на Република Северна Македонија, Талат Џафери лично и од име на пратениците на припадниците на православната вероисповед, им го честита големиот христијански празн


Parliament Speaker Talat Xhaferi, too, sent a Christmas greeting to all Orthodox Christians, with wishes for joy, health and peace and hopes that the holiday will bring together families, friends, neighbors and acquaintances to share happy moments.


"May the holiday, with all its magic, reflect warmth in these winter days," Xhaferi wrote. "May it warm hearts with humanity, solidarity, mutual respect and understanding between all citizens, both those who celebrate this great holiday and those who express respect for it. It is important to share a noble thought, a kind wish, and a warm embrace." mr/