• Thursday, 04 July 2024

Haavisto: Bilateral issues should not be made part of the EU enlargement process or negotiations.

Haavisto: Bilateral issues should not be made part of the EU enlargement process or negotiations.

Helsinki, 5 April 2023 (MIA) - Finland has a long-standing strong interest in the Western Balkans and supports its partners there in their European journey. But we also expect them to align fully with the EU’s foreign and security policy and uphold human rights and the rule of law, says Finnish Foreign Minister Pekka Haavisto.

"When the applicant countries have done their share to meet the criteria, there should be no excuses to delay the process from the EU side. Bilateral issues should not be made part of the EU enlargement process or negotiations," says Haavisto in an Euractiv opinion.

According to him, the enlargement policy has returned to the forefront of EU’s geopolitical toolbox.

"Since last year, we have had three new candidate countries, the membership negotiation process has been kick-started with Albania and North Macedonia, and in recent weeks Serbia and Kosovo have taken positive steps towards normalizing their relations," says Haavisto.

EU shows its continued commitment to the Western Balkans in helping to build resilient and sustainable societies in the region that stands up for European core values.

"These values – human rights, democracy, and the rule of law – need also to be reflected in foreign policy and the reactions towards Russia’s illegal war on Ukraine," notes Haavisto.

He says that minds are now on efforts to support Ukraine in every way and adds, "We have also not forgotten our partners in the Western Balkans – at the heart of Europe."

Finland has a long-standing strong interest in the region and its well-being. Many of Finland’s most well-known political leaders have played a significant role in the Balkans: Elisabeth Rehn, Harri Holkeri and Olli Rehn, and of course President Martti Ahtisaari.

"These ties have helped Finland build a commitment to peace and stability in the Western Balkans. Our support for the Western Balkans in their European path remains strong. We have been helping them to meet the EU criteria in many ways, for example through twinning projects," says the Finnish FM.

He says that standing up for our core values is more important than ever, and rule of law is the cornerstone of a stable and well-functioning democratic society.

"I find it worrying that, as stated in the latest Enlargement Package of the European Commission, we have seen little progress in the core areas of rule of law and the fundamentals in several enlargement countries. The European Union stands for human rights, democracy and the rule of law. These values apply to both candidate countries as well as member states," says Haavisto.

He notes that the EU does not have any hidden agenda, whereas the benefits and responsibilities of EU membership are clear.

"In many Western Balkan countries, popular support towards EU membership remains robust. This support however should not be taken for granted. To reach the citizens of Western Balkan countries we need the governments and civil society in the region. All our partners, and the union, must work against malign influences and narratives distorting the image of a unified Europe. To remain strong, we must present a unified front, together building a better future for all our citizens," underlines Haavisto.

Photo: Pekka Haavisto Instagram account