• Thursday, 04 July 2024

Grubi: Ohrid Framework Agreement enhanced community rights

Grubi: Ohrid Framework Agreement enhanced community rights
Prishtina, 7 November 2022 (MIA) – First Deputy PM Artan Grubi took part at the Western Balkans Summit against racial discrimination, held under the auspices of Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti in Prishtina on Monday, providing a timeline in the development of anti-discrimination events in North Macedonia. “Until 2001, ethnic discrimination was in the focus of the majority community and a method to get votes by instilling fear. Everything changed with the Ohrid Framework Agreement and the constitutional changes. Today, North Macedonia is striving towards setting standards of respect provided to all communities, giving them an opportunity to express themselves and foster their identity through language, education, culture while having a mechanism in place that ensures their equal access to institutions, namely just representation. The double majority in the Parliament and municipal council is another mechanism in this regard,” said Deputy PM Grubi in his remarks. Grubi presented statistical data on the just representation of Albanians in institutions, education in their mother tongue, opening of universities in Albanian language and enhancement of the social dialogue, saying they could serve as models for the institutions of Kosovo, the Deputy PM’s Office said in a press release.