• Thursday, 04 July 2024

Green agenda requires long-term strategy without any politics, says Nuredini 

Green agenda requires long-term strategy without any politics, says Nuredini 
Skopje, 17 November 2022 (MIA) - The green agenda should be implement to benefit us, the citizens, but it isn't something that can be done overnight. A long-term strategy is needed, which requires us to sit down together. Politics must not interfere in the green agenda, Environment Minister Naser Nuredini said addressing a panel on Cluster 4, "Green Agenda and Sustainable Connectivity." Implementation of the green agenda, he noted, requires a lot of investments because the infrastructure is expensive. "In this segment, our country has major support from the EU at the moment," Nuredini stated. Stressing that the Ministry is implementing many projects, he said that in parallel, the national legislation is being aligned with the European directives. "The waste water treatment station in Skopje is in its final stages. I hope that the local institutions will conclude their activities as well because it is more than evident that we won't be in the EU if we don't have a water treatment plant," stressed the Minister. According to Nuredini, the EU Delegation has adopted a project on a sewage system in the Municipality of Kichevo, set to be signed next week, and a waste water treatment plant has been also approved in the Municipality of Bitola. "Our main objective is to invest in infrastructure, water supply, sewages and also in waste management, including recycling. We will also need landfills after it hasn't been invested much in the past," Nuredini told the panel. The energy sector, he noted, must be supported and invest in renewable energy sources. Regarding the climate change law, Nuredini said it was drafted several months ago, adding: "The point is not only to adopt laws, but also to implement them." Today's panels are held as part of the the “Green Agenda – Renewable Resources, Macedonian Food, European Market” debate, the second in a series of events dedicated to this year's European Commission progress report.