• Thursday, 04 July 2024

Greek border crossings closed due to 48-hour strike of customs employees

Greek border crossings closed due to 48-hour strike of customs employees

Athens, 2 April 2024 (MIA) - Traffic at Greece's border crossings with neighboring countries, including North Macedonia, will be interrupted on April 2-3 due to a 48-hour strike of Greek customs employees, with citizens planning to visit the country advised to postpone their trips.

Traffic of cargo vehicles and passenger cars will be fully interrupted over the next couple of days. Exceptions for cargo vehicles include sensitive shipments that require immediate transfer, as wel as urgent medical treatment of patients.

People can cross the border only on foot.

The Customs Administration has said that cargo traffic will be stopped at border crossings Bogorodica-Evzoni, Dojran-Dojrani and Medzhitlija-Niki, except for perishable goods. It also advises citizens to avoid travel through these border crossings in the next two days.

MIA file photo