• Sunday, 06 October 2024

German health minister vaccinates children at Hanover Zoo

German health minister vaccinates children at Hanover Zoo

German Health Minister Karl Lauterbach said he vaccinated two children against the coronavirus during a visit to the northern city of Hanover.

The Social Democrat politician visited a vaccination centre at the Hanover Adventure Zoo on Friday. "I find it touching and impressive what sacrifices children have been willing to make, and for that we have to give something back. And the very least we can do is to give children an offer of vaccination." The minister went on to say that as a vaccinator himself he was convinced "that children who want to get vaccinated themselves, with the consent of their parents, are doing themselves a favour, but also society." Lauterbach had helped at a vaccination centre in the city of Leverkusen in the spring before his time as minister.