• Saturday, 05 October 2024

Forest fire damage estimated at nearly EUR 38 million

Forest fire damage estimated at nearly EUR 38 million
Skopje, 25 December 2021 (MIA) - North Macedonia from June until September was hit by 142 forest fires affecting 11420 ha of forest area, statistics show. The burned wood mass in the forests was 482,106 m3, while the estimated value of material damage was 2,318,091,000 denars (close to EUR 38 million). "In order to gain insight into the magnitude and estimated damage from these fires, the State Statistical Office in cooperation with the National Forests Public Enterprise conducted a supplementary statistical survey on forest fires," said the State Statistical Office. Of the total fire damage, forests of mixed tree stands were affected the most, making up 52.2%, followed by forests of broadleaved species with 30.2%, forests of coniferous species with 10.1%, while ground vegetation accounted for 7.4%.