• Wednesday, 23 October 2024

Finance Minister: Economic growth over 3.5% next year

Finance Minister: Economic growth over 3.5% next year

Skopje, 23 October 2025 (MIA) – According to Finance Ministry’s projections,  and 3.5% in 2025, whereas budget deficit is 4%, said Finance Minister Gordana Dimitrieska – Kochovska in an interview with Voice of America in Macedonian in Washington, where she takes part in the annual meetings of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. 

“We’re completely changing the economic concept by supporting investments rather than consumption. The major project announced for the municipalities is under way. Also, 250 million euros in support for the private sector. This means we definitely expect to meet the growth rates projected by the Finance Ministry – 2.1% by the end of the year and we’ll see about next year, but it will be over 3.5%,” the Minister said referring to World Bank projections, which are logical, she added, given the assumptions of the World Bank after the former government achieved poor results and low GDP growth. 

Regarding budget deficit, Dimitrieska – Kochovska said that the fiscal rules for a budgetary deficit up to 3% of the GDP and a public debt up to 60% cannot be achieved overnight, noting that time is needed for consolidation.  

“A 4-percent budget deficit is planned next year, a 3.5-percent deficit the year after that before reaching 3 percent, which is complete consolidation. What I believe is crucial at the moment, which is corruption, there is no longer a compromise and we’re strongly fighting against corruption and crime,” stated the Minister adding she expects positive results in the coming period. 

In the interview, she also talked about the loan from Hungary’s Export Import Bank, saying it was a loan planned by the former government.

“Any fresh borrowing gives negative effects. However, we’re talking about a loan planned by the former government. This time, we didn’t issue Eurobond, on the contrary, I’d say that as a finance minister and as government, we can be proud of managing to provide a loan under very favourable conditions with low provision compared to, let’s say, issuing Eurobond. And also, the money is from European country. There is nothing disputable here,” she said. 

Dimitrieska – Kochovska stated that funds will be intended for investments in the private sector and to support infrastructural projects of the municipalities. 

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