• Friday, 28 June 2024

False bomb threats in Ohrid factory, school

False bomb threats in Ohrid factory, school

Ohrid, 28 February 2024 (MIA) – Several commercial buildings in the industrial zone in Ohrid and one school received false bomb threats on Wednesday morning, the spokesperson of the Ohrid Police, Stefan Dimoski, told MIA.


According to the police spokesperson, the workers in the industrial zone were evacuated but returned to their workplaces shortly after.


“The Ohrid Police took all necessary measures in coordination with a public prosecutor, concluding that there is no basis for the received reports,” said Dimoski.


Dimoski did not share more details over the reports, apart from the fact they concern a school and a factory.


According to MIA’s information, students at the “Bratstvo Edinstvo” primary school were evacuated due to the report, but returned to the classrooms following police checks.


Photo: MIA Archive