• Friday, 18 October 2024

EU Commissioner urges sustainable agriculture, competitive food chains, strong administration at Skopje meeting 

EU Commissioner urges sustainable agriculture, competitive food chains, strong administration at Skopje meeting 

Skopje, 24 September 2024 (MIA) - In terms of agriculture, the EU accession will carry challenges but also a lot of opportunities. You must ensure the sustainability of the sector, your food chain should be competitive on the European market, but also in the modern economies. You must prepare the public administration by strengthening control structures and management, to ensure they will be fully in line with the good governance principles, the European Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development, Janusz Wojciechowski, said Tuesday in Skopje.

In his address at the 18th Annual Working Meeting of the Ministers of Agriculture from Southeastern Europe (SEE) held in Skopje, Wojciechowski stressed that EU enlargement is back on the agenda.

“Now, more than ever, we must work together, we must continue with joint efforts. The political guidelines of the European Commission point to the moral political geostrategic imperative to complete the Union,” Wojciechowski said. 

According to the EU Commissioner, the guidelines also note that a policy of pre-accession will be presented which will also cover food security. “The new vision for agriculture and food will be drafted as well, and it is expected to be adopted in the first 100 days of the new Commission, in order to ensure long-term competitiveness and sustainability of the agricultural sector,” Wojciechowski said.

He touched upon the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance for Rural Development - IPARD, assessing the program as a useful tool supporting agriculture but noting that it cannot function efficiently without a strong administration.

“You must ensure that the necessary resources are available. I cannot highlight how important it is to build and maintain an administration that will be sufficiently experienced and will implement EU support to ensure firm financial management. This is key for achieving the desired goals, where delays can be noted. Keep in mind that the work you do today will trace the path for a joint agricultural policy in your countries in the future,” Wojciechowski said.

Regarding food and agriculture, the EU Commission said the country must make efforts to harmonize its legislation with the European and apply European standards, while also increasing climate resilience and sustainability in agriculture.

The meeting was opened by the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy Cvetan Tripunovski who said the country highly values the support provided by the EU. 

Photo: MIA