• Sunday, 22 December 2024

Energy Regulatory Commission to reveal new electricity price, no price hikes expected

Energy Regulatory Commission to reveal new electricity price, no price hikes expected

Skopje, 27 June 2024 (MIA) - The Energy Regulatory Commission at a news conference Thursday is set to reveal the new electricity price for households and small consumers, valid starting from July 1. The Commission president Marko Bislimoski has said there will be no price shock and the average price of electricity for households will not rise more than one percent.

At a tender issued by the universal supplier EVN Home, ESM's price of 60 euros per megawatt hours was accepted to cover 85 percent of the needs. Three bids were sent for the remaining 15 percent, but neither was accepted because the bids were higher than the current market prices.

"There will be no price shocks, only minimal increase. It was important to remove the 15 percent that EVN Home had to procure at the free market, namely they will not be calculated as expenditure in the final price," Bislimoski told Sitel.

He added that many small consumers transferred to the free electricity market, "where prices are lower than the ones of the universal supplier".


Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC) chair Marko Bislimoski says there will be no electricity price shocks for households, with an average rise of one percent.

On Wednesday, Prime MInister Hristijan Mickoski also said he doesn't expect the electricity price to rise after two conditions were met - adoption of amendments to the law on energy and the universal supplier optimizing the amounts so as to prevent drastic electricity price hike.

Qytetarët të jenë të qetë, rritje të çmimit të energjisë elektrike nuk do të ketë dhe këtë presë që ta konfirmojë Komisioni Rregullator për Energjetikë, theksoi sot kryeministri Hristijan Mic

Amendments to the law on energy were adopted on Monday in Parliament and it will ensure safe, secure and continued supply of electricity for households and small consumers.

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