• Monday, 14 October 2024

Energy Minister Bozhinovska meets EU Ambassador Rokas

Energy Minister Bozhinovska meets EU Ambassador Rokas

Skopje, 26 September 2024 (MIA) – Minister of Energy, Mining and Mineral Resources, Sanja Bozhinovska, met Thursday with the EU Ambassador Michalis Rokas and Alexandru Albu, the First Secretary and Head of Operations at the EU Delegation in Skopje, to discuss key aspects of the implementation of the new laws on energy and renewable energy sources in the country. The meeting took place in the context of increased efforts to strengthen green transition and align with European standards.

The talks focused on the two new laws that are essential for the development of the energy sector in the country. The Law on Energy and the Law on Renewable Energy Sources aim to create a stable and sustainable legal framework for investments in renewable sources and to increase energy efficiency, the Ministry of Energy, Mining and Mineral Resources said in a press release.

Minister Bozhinovska noted that these laws will not only help diversify energy sources but will also support both domestic and foreign investors.

The discussion also addressed the importance of introducing mechanisms such as Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM), which are crucial for protecting domestic producers and promoting sustainable practices.

As Ambassador Rokas highlighted, CBAM will ensure fair competition for European companies compared to those from third countries, creating positive effects for the economy of Macedonia and the overall European Union Emissions Trading System (EU ETS).

“Support from the European Union is crucial for strengthening capacities in the energy field and for a successful green transition. Our goal is to create fair and equal opportunities for all investors, especially in the renewable energy sector,” Minister Bozhinovska said.

The readiness of the EU to continue supporting Macedonia in its efforts to transform the energy sector and align with European regulations has been reaffirmed during the meeting. Additionally, opportunities for technical assistance and financing of projects related to renewable energy were discussed, which is of particular importance for achieving ambitious goals for reducing emissions and increasing the share of renewables in the country’s energy structure.

Minister Bozhinovska and Ambassador Rokas expressed optimism about the future development of the energy sector in Macedonia and emphasized that cooperation between the country and the EU is essential for achieving common goals in the fields of climate change and sustainable development.

Photo: Ministry of Energy, Mining and Mineral Resources