• Thursday, 04 July 2024

Election campaign heats up, presidential candidates' promises and disputes intensify

Election campaign heats up, presidential candidates' promises and disputes intensify

Skopje, 11 April 2024 (MIA) - As the presidential election campaign enters its second week, the activities of the candidates and their electoral promises intensify with meetings with citizens, but so do the confrontations between rival candidates. And on Thursday, they are continuing their election campaign rallies across the country.

Today, the SDSM presidential candidate, Stevo Pendarovski, is set to visit the municipalities of Dojran, Bogdanci, and Valandovo. He will present his election platform to citizens, with a central rally scheduled for the evening in Gevgelija.

VMRO-DPMNE presidential candidate, Gordana Siljanovska-Davkova, will introduce her platform to citizens in Dolneni, Makedonski Brod, and Kichevo.

ZNAM Movement presidential candidate, Maksim Dimitrievski, announced that he will give a statement to the media, while his election headquarters stated that no meetings with citizens are planned for today.

Државната изборна комисија на денешната седница ќе го разгледа и усвои Извештајот на ДИК за преземените работи согласно член 153-а од Изборниот законик, за прифаќање на остатокот од мандатот

Levica presidential candidate Biljana Vankovska is set to present election platform in Avtokomanda, Municipality of Gazi Baba. Bujar Osmani, DUI presidential candidate, has announced his campaign activities in Radovish and Shtip.

On Wednesday, presidential hopefuls held numerous meetings with citizens in various parts of the country. They took the opportunity to present their platforms, with some candidates directly addressing citizen concerns in face-to-face discussions.

Photo: MIA archive