• Sunday, 07 July 2024

Economic Chamber to meet PM on electricity price amid fear of shutdowns and layoffs

Economic Chamber to meet PM on electricity price amid fear of shutdowns and layoffs
Ohrid, 21 July 2022 (MIA) – Unless the Government helps businesses that are facing enormous electricity bills, production will drop, capacities will shut down and workers will be laid off, said Economic Chamber President Branko Azeski on Thursday. “At the moment, we are focusing on only one issue – price of electricity. If the Government fails to intervene or support us in this situation, there is no other solution but to shut down businesses. We hope it will not come to this and we are all aware of the problems that have been stacking for 30 years through the electricity price subsidizing. Prices have now skyrocketed and several companies are already contemplating to reduce production or shut it down, but also lay off staff,” Azeski told reporters. He added that a meeting with the PM is set to take place this evening. “An intersectoral commission was set up yesterday, which will focus on our proposals and assess if they are acceptable or not. A follow-up meeting with the PM will take place in about ten days,” said Azeski. According to him, prices on the free market are very high, up to EUR 350 per MWh, whereas developments related to interruptions of the Russian gas flow in Europe could even double it.