• Tuesday, 02 July 2024

DUI: Bosniak Democratic Union joins European Front

DUI: Bosniak Democratic Union joins European Front

Skopje, 1 April 2024 (MIA) - DUI leader Ali Ahmeti and Bosniak Democratic Union (BDU) leader Munir Kolashinac agreed Monday over BDU's inclusion in the European Front.

DUI has said that Kolashinac will be part of the European Front's list of MP candidates in the first election district.

The European Front, initiated by DUI, has already signed coalition agreements with DPA of Menduh Thaci, Alliance of Albanians of Ziadin Sela, People's Movement of Skender Rexhepi-Zejd, European Democratic Party of Arjanit Hoxha, Turkish Democratic Party of Bejcan Iljas, Union of Roma of Fatima Osmanovska, and Movement of Macedonian Turks for Justice and Democracy of Sulejman Baki.

MIA file photo