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Deputy PM Nikolovski: E-inspection system implemented at key inspection authorities

Deputy PM Nikolovski: E-inspection system implemented at key inspection authorities
Skopje, 22 November 2021 (MIA) – Three key inspection authorities - the State Market Inspectorate, the State Labor Inspectorate and the State Administrative Inspectorate have started to use the new e-inspection system. Other inspection services under the authority of the Inspection Council will gradually start using the software, so that all 28 inspectorates are electronically linked, Deputy PM in charge of fight against corruption, sustainable development and human resources Ljupcho Nikolovski said at a press conference on Monday. The three institutions, Nikolovski stressed, have been provided with the necessary equipment for efficient digital monitoring and control. “The system eliminates the human factor and subjective approach to inspection monitoring and control. The entire process, which entails allocating inspections, generating inspection reports and issuing final documents will be carried out electronically,” he added. Inspectors, the Deputy PM said, will no longer be deciding which companies to inspect. Instead, he underlined, the software is set to rank enterprises according to the level of risk. “This is a fair approach, as companies that abide by laws and pay their taxes won’t be burdened by regular inspections, while those that have made violations will be monitored appropriately. This mechanism, he added, sends the message that no one is untouchable and can avoid paying taxes, in addition to systematically dealing with corruption. “It sends the message that we’re introducing order, justice and discipline, that the law applies equally to all, everyone has to pay their taxes and no one is untouchable,” Nikolovski noted. Inspection Council president Magdalena Filipovska-Grashkoska stressed that the digitalization of inspection services introduces several new features, especially in the planning stage, as well as ensures automatic generation of reports and documents that result from inspections. By filling the database with information collected via the so-called 200 mandatory check lists reviewed during every inspection, she added, the system will be able to classify enterprises into high, middle and low-risk categories and subject them to regular inspections accordingly. “The e-inspection system introduces changes in allocation of inspections, so that its automated and based on certain criteria, such as the scope, complexity and difficulty, as well as the inspector’s rank, experience and schedule,” said Filipovska-Grashoska.