• Monday, 08 July 2024

Deputy PM Marichikj in Brussels, bilateral screening on Chapter 25 begins

Deputy PM Marichikj in Brussels, bilateral screening on Chapter 25 begins

Skopje, 28 April 2023 (MIA) - Deputy PM for European Affairs Bojan Marichikj is heading Friday the Macedonian delegation in Brussels for the start of the bilateral screening meeting on Chapter 25 - Science and Research within Cluster 3 - Competitiveness and Inclusive Growth.

Deputy PM Marichikj will also hold a coordination meeting with Michela Matuella, Director for the Western Balkans at the Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations, and Simon Mordue, Chief Foreign Policy Advisor of European Council President Charles Michel, the Secretariat for European Affairs said in a press release.

It adds that the screening process is ongoing and almost at the half of its realization, set to be finished by the end of November. The explanatory and bilateral screenings have been completed for Cluster 1 - Fundaments and Cluster 2 - Internal Market. In addition, the explanatory screenings for Chapter 3 - Competitiveness and Inclusive Growth and Chapter 4 - Green Agenda and Sustainable Connectivity have been completed.