• Sunday, 07 July 2024
Daylight Saving Time ends
Skopje, 29 October 2021 (MIA) – Daylight Saving Time ends on Sunday (Oct. 30), with the clock adjusting one hour backward, i.e. from 03:00h to 02:00h. The Government has decided to stick to the system after extensive analyses over the Daylight Saving Time impact on electricity and heating energy savings. It has been concluded that the by not changing the time, heating energy consumption will increase by 1.5-3.5 percent during the heating season. Considering the average morning temperatures and calculations on the required heating energy, it has been concluded that the end of Daylight Saving Time would result in savings of electricity and heating energy, the Government said earlier this week. Daylight Saving Time traditionally starts during the last weekend of March and ends during the last weekend of October. Daylight Saving Time is also applied in most European countries, except Iceland, Russia and Belarus. Apart from Europe, Daylight Saving Time is implemented in North and Central America, but not in Japan, China, South Korea, or any of the African countries.