• Sunday, 06 October 2024

Burkina Faso and Niger 'neutralize' 100 terrorists in Sahel region

Burkina Faso and Niger 'neutralize' 100 terrorists in Sahel region
Niger and Burkina Faso report having "neutralized" around 100 extremists in a joint anti-terrorist operation. In French military parlance "neutralized" often means that the enemy has been incapacitated or killed. The operation by the neighbouring West African countries, both of which are fighting the infiltration of Islamist terrorist groups, took place during the past two weeks in the border region between Niger's Tillaberi province and the neighbouring Sanmatenga province in Burkina Faso, Niger's military staff announced late on Thursday. In addition, 20 suspects were arrested. In total, the soldiers combed an area of almost 25,000 square kilometres and found two headquarters used by the extremists. Weapons and logistical material belonging to the terrorists were confiscated. It was initially unclear to which group the jihadists who had been put out of action belonged. Several armed groups are active in Niger, Burkina Faso and neighbouring Mali. Some have pledged allegiance to the al-Qaeda terrorist network or the Islamic State militia. The governments have little control in the desert-like expanses outside the cities. A few days ago, a base of the G5 Sahel was attacked in Tillaberi. The G5 Sahel brings together Mauritania, Niger, Chad, Mali and Burkina Faso in the fight against insurgents in the region that stretches from the Sahara to the Sudanian savanna. Germany and France also support the G5 Sahel.