• Sunday, 07 July 2024

Brnabić: Open Balkan initiative is open to all countries in region

Brnabić: Open Balkan initiative is open to all countries in region
Belgrade, 6 May 2022 (MIA) – Many people, even European politicians, have a narrative that the Open Balkan initiative has managed to divide the region rather than unite it, but I believe this is because some have invested a lot of resources in such a narrative, Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabić said Friday in Florence, MIA’s Belgrade correspondent reports. After a panel on “Crisis and Change – European Perspective of the Western Balkans” as part of a conference on the state of play in the Union organize by the European University Institute, Brnabić told reporters that the Open Balkan initiative is open to all other countries in the region to join. “We and our partners in the initiative – North Macedonia and Albania, keep inviting all other countries to join. I’m sure that the economy and the people of the other countries and territories, once they see the benefits of the initiative, will put pressure on politicians to reject empty stories and commit to pragmatic things that mean a better quality of life and a more competitive economy in the Western Balkans,” said Brnabić.