• Saturday, 05 October 2024

"Bridging Divisions, Building Trust" - slogan of Macedonian SEECP Chairmanship

Skopje, 27 June 2023 (MIA) - Slogan "Bridging Divisions, Building Trust" will be the guiding theme of the Macedonian Chairmanship with the South-East European Cooperation Process (SEECP) that begins on July 1. Focus will be placed on reconciliation, regional cooperation and acceleration of Euro-Atlantic integration, President Stevo Pendarovski told Summit of heads of state and government of SEECP member-states in Podgorica on Tuesday.

President Pendarovski expressed gratitude to Montenegro over the efforts in the past year of its Chairmanship, while announcing the priorities of the Macedonian presidency over the initiative.

Pendarovski said North Macedonia would be guided by the principles stated in the 1996 founding documents - goodneighborly relations, stability, security, cooperation in SEE and integration in the Euro-Atlantic community of free and democratic nations. He added these principles are as relevant today as they were two decades ago, noting the significant progress achieved regarding political and economic cooperation, as reaffirmed through the implementation of Strategy SEE 2030 and setting up of the Common Single Market.

Referring to ethnic tensions in the region that are easily abused by external actors, as well as the drop of Euro-enthusiasm, the President said it is of essential importance to invest maximum efforts to oppose these tendencies through dialogue and mutually acceptable solutions through understanding and mutual respect.

Pendarovski said North Macedonia is committed on this path, as shown by the Ohrid Framework Agreement, the Prespa Agreement, the Bulgaria Friendship Treaty and approval of the EU negotiating framework last July, which ensured the opening of accession negotiations.

In the context of the Russian aggression against Ukraine, Pendarovski highlighted the urgency of the Western Balkans' EU integration and expected support from Union member-states in order to ensure tangible benefits, including access to EU funds in various fields throughout the process.

He expressed satisfaction from the recent announcement of the European Commission President over the new plan for the Western Balkans, which is fully in compliance with the country's request to receive certain benefits of accession prior to the formal membership.

Photo: President's Office