• Saturday, 06 July 2024

Besimi to meet with EU Commissioners Hahn and Gentiloni in Brussels

Besimi to meet with EU Commissioners Hahn and Gentiloni in Brussels
Skopje, 25 October 2022 (MIA) — Minister of Finance Fatmir Besimi will be in Brussels on Wednesday to hold working meetings with European Commissioner for Budget and Administration Johannes Hahn and European Commissioner for Economy Paolo Gentiloni. According to a Ministry of Finance press release, the meetings will focus on the preparations for drafting the national budget for 2023; next steps in the country’s economic reform process; as well the government's action plan for the implementation of the recommendations from the European Commissions’ 2022 Progress Report on North Macedonia. At the meetings, Minister Besimi will also discuss the possibility of using favorable financing from the International Monetary Fund. The EU’s support in implementing reforms is significant, the release notes. In addition to discussing reforms, meeting participants will also talk about the possibility for EU assistance in mitigating the consequences of the energy and economic crises. mr/