• Saturday, 05 October 2024

Bekteshi: Will know soon what happens with retailers who don’t comply with Gov’t measures

Bekteshi: Will know soon what happens with retailers who don’t comply with Gov’t measures

Skopje, 20 April 2023 (MIA) – We are working with the law enforcement agencies and inspectors and in about three to four days they will say what will happen with the retailers of fruits and vegetables who did not comply with the measure adopted by the Government instructing them to secure 70 percent of the domestic markets’ needs, stressed Minister of Economy Kreshnik Bekteshi in answer to a journalist’s question at a press conference on Thursday.


In answer to a question related to the price caps on fruits and vegetables, after which part of the products were missing from the stores, as well as over the procedure concerning the false invoices submitted by importers, Bekteshi said they are working in coordination with the law enforcement agencies and will inform the public in detail.


“We are in close coordination with the law enforcement agencies. All relevant institutions will act regarding the false invoices. This is based on the latest information that I’ve received from the Customs’ Office, and have been delivered to their colleagues from where they imported these products. The public will be informed next week by the relevant institutions. These are companies in the field of trade, i.e., over 95 percent of them are companies that import products,” said Bekteshi.


Asked about the measures adopted by some EU members banning the import of grain from Ukraine, Bekteshi said that currently the Macedonian institutions have not made such a decision and stressed that domestic production is a priority for the Government.


“Currently there is no decision from the relevant authorities, in this case the Ministry of Economy and the Ministry of Agriculture. Domestic production is a priority for us, but since we don’t cover all the needs with domestic production, we will make great efforts, in line with the Agreement on free trade in agriculture, which was signed with Ukraine not long ago, and of course we will follow the direction of the decisions adopted by the EU,” stressed Bekteshi.


However, said the Minister, when it comes to wheat and other grains, if the need arises, the country will import from Ukraine as well.


“In order to cover the consumer needs in the country with the best prices, if there is a need we will import from Ukraine as well, provided we get a good price for our retailers, which won’t harm our domestic production,” added Bekteshi.