• Saturday, 05 October 2024

Bekteshi: Minimum wage to reach Mden 18,000 after New Year, electricity price hikes not expected

Bekteshi: Minimum wage to reach Mden 18,000 after New Year, electricity price hikes not expected
Skopje, 6 December 2021 (MIA) – Economy Minister Kreshnik Bekteshi says the minimum wage will rise to Mden 18,000 (EUR 292) at the onset of 2022. Bekteshi told Telma TV the minimum wage stood at Mden 9,000 (EUR 146) in 2017, meanwhile rising to Mden 15,000 (EUR 244). “The minimum wage will increase to Mden 18,000 after New Year. Salaries have continually risen from Mden 22,000-23,000 (EUR 357-373) in 2016 to nearly Mden 29,000 (EUR 470) at the moment, and they will continue to go up,” says Bekteshi. On the electricity price, he says no hikes are expected, noting that VAT rates will not increase, whereas all energy production capacities have been put into operation. “Two blocs of mining-energy company Bitola are running, thermal power plant Oslomej is fully operational, water levels are rising, thermal plant Negotino will be working in ten days time, the state and private investors are building photovoltaics…” says Bekteshi.