• Saturday, 21 September 2024

Average monthly paycheck in July 40,961 denars

Average monthly paycheck in July 40,961 denars

Skopje, 20 September 2024 (MIA) — The average monthly net salary paid per employee in July 2024 was 40,961 denars, which is 2.9 percent higher than in July 2023, according to the latest figures released by the State Statistical Office.

The increase is due to higher average monthly net salaries in the sectors: Education (19.1%); Financial and Insurance Activities (18.6%); and Public Administration and Defense, Compulsory Social Security (16.7%).

Compared to June, lower July paychecks were given to workers in the sectors: Financial and Insurance Activities (9.9%), Administrative and Support Service Activities (5.6%) and Wholesale and Retail Trade, Repair of Motor Vehicles and Motorcycles (5.4%).

The average monthly gross salary paid per employee in July 2024 was 61,569 denars, which is 3.1 percent higher than in July 2023, the SSO release said. mr/