• Saturday, 05 October 2024

Arsovski: Gov’t restored freedom to society, faith in institutions over past 5 years

Arsovski: Gov’t restored freedom to society, faith in institutions over past 5 years

Skopje, 20 April 2022 (MIA) – The Government managed to restore freedom in society, faith in institutions, and strengthen mutual civil respect, spokesperson Dushko Arsovski told Wednesday’s press conference in response to a reporter’s question about Freedom House’s latest progress report on North Macedonia.

“The Republic of North Macedonia continues to build a free and democratic society, which puts first respect and protection of the rights of every citizen,” Arsovski added.

He pointed out that the report encompasses a longer period of time, i.e. part of it predates 2017, before the SDSM-led Government was formed, “when we all witnessed major regress in the political processes, power transfers and dealing with corruption,” he noted.

Arsovski highlighted the improved rating of governance, which has advanced according to the report.

“In addition, North Macedonia has been pointed out as a country that has continued toi endorse liberal democratic principles in 2021. We stick to our goal to achieve better results and ensure a society which respects civil values, rights and liberties,” Arsovski said.

Freedom House, the US nongovernmental organization, released a report on the state of democracy in 29 nations in transit entitled “Nations in Transit – From Democratic Decline to Authoritarian Aggression”.

“This year, for the first time in the 21st century, a hybrid regime is dominant in the region of nations in transit. Four democracies fell in this gray zone after the uninterrupted period of fall in democracy started in 2004: Hungary, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia. During the same time, three authoritarian regimes took democratic steps and joined the order of hybrid regimes: Moldova, Kosovo, and now Armenia,” according to the report, The Voice of America reports.

On a scale of 1 to 7, with 7 representing the highest level of democratic progress and 1 the lowest, North Macedonia scores 3.5 on national democratic governance, 4.25 on the electoral process, 5.25 on civil society, 3.25 on independent media, 3.25 on independent judiciary, and 3.00 on corruption. The general democracy score is 3.82, i.e. 47%. dk/nn/